Am I Addicted?
Am I Addicted?
Epstein Addiction Inventory (EAI-s) BETA v. 1.0, © 2024, Dr. Robert Epstein  

You are about to take the Epstein Addiction Inventory (EAI), a brief test that will help you determine whether or not you may have an addiction. Designed by Dr. Robert Epstein (follow on Twitter at @DrREpstein), one of America's most distinguished research psychologists, this test screens for the most common substance and behavioral addictions. The EAI is consistant with the diagnostic critera of the DSM-5-TR, the diagnostic manual used by most therapists, psychologists, and physicians worldwide.

This test was developed to help people distinguish between potentially serious addictions - conditions that might need treatment - and what simply might be strong interests. Unfortunately, people are often too quick to attach the word "addiction" to almost any strong interest. That leads to questionable terms like "shopping addiction" and "chocolate addiction."

Not every strong interest is an "addiction." When you complete this questionnaire, we'll help you understand which of your problems might be serious enough to require professional attention. We'll also help you find a health or mental health professional who can assist you.

Please note that this screening tool cannot give you an official diagnosis; only a qualified, licensed mental health professional can do that. In addition, this test is intended for English speakers, primarily in the U.S. and Canada. If you are not fluent in English, or if you are from some other part of the world, the results might not be valid for you.

Answer each question honestly, and click only on the statements with which you agree. The test takes only about 5 minutes to complete.

If you are conducting research and would like to collect data for a group that is taking this test - for a business, research study, classroom activity, or other purpose - please see our Group Testing Instructions.

Before we get to the inventory itself, we will ask you a few basic questions about yourself. Demographic information is being collected for research purposes only and will be kept strictly confidential. Remember: click only on the statements with which you agree.

*Required response

*Highest Degree:
High School
American Indian
*Sexual Orientation:

Click on the statements below that apply to you. Do not click on statements that do not apply to you.

*1. I have to use nicotine as soon as I wake up. 

*2. I can't stop using hallucinogens, even though they harm my health. 

*3. I can't stop using caffeine, even though it causes me health issues. 

*4. My use of cocaine or crack has put myself or others in danger. 

*5. I have had no success quitting meth or reducing the amount I take. 

*6. I have had no success quitting sedatives or reducing the amount I take. 

*7. I’m in a crisis because I can’t control my sexual behavior. 

*8. My use of pornography causes significant problems in my life. 

*9. I find myself unable to stop drinking more and more alcohol. 

*10. My addictive behavior often holds me back from my responsibilities. 

*11. I have had no success quitting cocaine or crack or reducing the amount I take. 

*12. When I'm not high on cannabis, getting high is all I can think about. 

*13. I play video games for at least 30 hours a week. 

*14. When I can't use meth as I usually do, I feel ill. 

*15. I cannot stop watching pornography, even though it has damaged my relationships. 

*16. When I don't have access to the internet, I can’t think of anything else. 

*17. I regularly fall short of my responsibilities because of my use of hallucinogens. 

*18. When I'm not using inhalants, I can't think about anything else. 

*19. I repeatedly put myself or others at risk of harm when I drink. 

*20. I have to keep increasing the amount of hours I work in order to feel satisfied. 

*21. I can't stop using cannabis, even though I want to stop. 

*22. I've given up other hobbies and interests because I'm always online. 

*23. I crave certain foods to the point where I can't think of anything else. 

*24. When I can't use drugs as I usually do, I feel ill. 

*25. When I can't use cocaine or crack as I usually do, I feel ill. 

*26. I have so many sexual thoughts that I can’t think of anything else. 

*27. I find it difficult to stop thinking about pornography. 

*28. I often end up gambling more than I can afford to lose. 

*29. My use of inhalants often holds me back from responsibilities. 

*30. When I can't eat the foods that I want to, I can't function normally. 

*31. When I don't take pain relievers as I usually do, I feel ill. 

*32. I play video games instead of taking care of my needs. 

*33. I spend most of my time getting, using, or recovering from hallucinogens. 

*34. I have had no success quitting drugs or reducing the amount I take. 

*35. I feel like I have less and less control over my opioid use. 

*36. I spend so much time on the internet that I can't do anything else. 

*37. I get severe headaches and body pains if I don’t have caffeine. 

*38. Even when I'm sick, I have to use nicotine. 

*39. Once I start drinking, it's hard to stop until I'm fully drunk. 

*40. I can’t change my eating habits, even though it causes me severe health issues. 

*41. It’s hard to enjoy anything unless I’m high on cannabis. 

*42. Even when I’m on a vacation or a break, I can’t stop myself from working. 

*43. I've given up other hobbies and interests so that I can do more shopping. 

*44. My use of meth has put me or others in danger. 

*45. Even though nicotine use causes health problems for me, I still can't stop. 

*46. I can't quit inhalants, even though they cause problems with my health. 

*47. If I can't work out like I normally do, I can't think of anything else. 

*48. I'm always thinking about when I'm going to gamble next. 

*49. My overuse of pain relievers has put me or others in danger. 

*50. I need to work long hours to feel good, even though it causes stress on my relationships. 

*51. My shopping habits have caused serious problems in my life. 

*52. When I don’t take opioids as I usually do, I feel ill. 

*53. I work out so much it causes me physical or mental problems. 

*54. I have had no success quitting opioids or reducing the amount I take. 

*55. I work out even if I’m injured or before I’m fully recovered. 

*56. When I don’t take sedatives as I usually do, I feel ill. 

*57. I can't stop my addictive behavior, even though it causes me problems. 

*58. I can’t keep myself from buying things I don't need. 

*59. If I can't repeat my addictive behavior, I can't think of anything else. 

*60. My use of sedatives has put myself or others in danger. 

*61. I have had no success quitting pain relievers or reducing the amount I take. 

*62. My use of stimulants has put myself or others in danger. 

*63. If I don’t have caffeine for the day, I can't think of anything else. 

*64. My use of my drugs has put me or others in danger. 

*65. When I can't use stimulants as I usually do, I feel ill. 

*66. I can't stop gambling, even if I try. 

*67. I have had no success quitting stimulants or reducing the amount I take. 

*68. Video games are the only thing I enjoy anymore. 

*69. My need for sex has damaged my relationships.