Do You Know How to Motivate Yourself?
Do You Know How to Motivate Yourself?
Epstein Motivation Competencies Inventory for Individuals (EMCI-i) v. 1.6, © 2007-2023, Dr. Robert Epstein  

You are about to take the unabridged version of the Epstein Motivation Competencies Inventory for Individuals (or EMCI-i). Designed by Dr. Robert Epstein (follow on Twitter at @DrREpstein), one of America's most distinguished research psychologists, this scientifically-validated test is an inventory of eight types of skills and knowledge that help people boost their motivation or keep themselves motivated. It has been empirically validated with a sample of 7,775 people from the United States, Canada, India and 117 other countries.

Most people are able to complete the test in less than 10 minutes, and there are no right or wrong answers. Just select the response that seems best. After you answer the questions, you will be given a detailed report that will give you your scores and explain what they mean. This is just the start; once you know your EMCI scores, there are many avenues you might pursue to improve your motivation skills. Games and exercises to strengthen such skills can be found in Dr. Epstein's book, The Big Book of Motivation Games, which also includes an abridged, self-scorable version of the EMCI-i.

If you are conducting research and would like to collect raw data for a group that is taking this test - for a business, research study, classroom activity, or other purpose - please see our Group Testing Instructions

If you are a manager, teacher, parent, or supervisor, you might also want to take the manager's version of the EMCI, which looks at ten types of skills that will help you motivate other people.

Before we get to the inventory itself, we'll ask you a few basic questions about yourself. Demographic information is being collected for research purposes only and will be kept strictly confidential.

To make sure the scoring is accurate, be sure to fill in all the blanks!

*Required response

*Highest Degree:
High School
Community College
American Indian

For each of the following questions, select the answer that best applies to you.

*1. I often ask others for encouragement and support.
Agree             Disagree

*2. I often try to visualize myself performing at my best.
Agree             Disagree

*3. One can reduce stress by making both short-term and long-term plans.
Agree             Disagree

*4. I have trouble keeping promises.
Agree             Disagree

*5. I use many different methods to monitor my behavior.
Agree             Disagree

*6. I try to look at negative situations in positive ways.
Agree             Disagree

*7. I always keep my promises.
Agree             Disagree

*8. I avoid substances that might damage my body or brain.
Agree             Disagree

*9. I try to put myself in situations in which I'm rewarded for my efforts.
Agree             Disagree

*10. I often try to identify and change my irrational beliefs.
Agree             Disagree

*11. I use ergonomic devices to help me perform at my peak.
Agree             Disagree

*12. I rarely set goals for myself.
Agree             Disagree

*13. Sometimes I make promises to other people in order to control my own impulses.
Agree             Disagree

*14. I schedule meetings with others to keep myself productive.
Agree             Disagree

*15. Even small environmental changes can improve motivation.
Agree             Disagree

*16. I try to work with people who are upbeat and energetic.
Agree             Disagree

*17. People can boost their motivation by choosing to work in supportive settings.
Agree             Disagree

*18. I always record my progress when working on a tough project.
Agree             Disagree

*19. When working, I usually monitor some aspect of my performance.
Agree             Disagree

*20. Making commitments to other people is a great way to manage one's behavior.
Agree             Disagree

*21. I always get a good night's sleep.
Agree             Disagree

*22. I typically spend a few minutes each day to plan the day.
Agree             Disagree

*23. I rarely ask others for encouragement or support.
Agree             Disagree

*24. I try to see the humor in tough or stressful situations.
Agree             Disagree

*25. I've made a plan for my long-term future.
Agree             Disagree

*26. When working, I seldom monitor any aspects of my performance.
Agree             Disagree

*27. I regularly set goals for myself.
Agree             Disagree

*28. Goal setting usually improves performance.
Agree             Disagree

*29. I try to surround myself with people who appreciate my abilities.
Agree             Disagree

*30. I often try to identify and remove sources of stress in my life.
Agree             Disagree

*31. I often consume special foods and drinks to boost my energy.
Agree             Disagree

*32. Monitoring one's performance tends to improve that performance.
Agree             Disagree

*33. I rarely do vigorous exercise.
Agree             Disagree

*34. I set aside time daily to relax and take a break from my obligations.
Agree             Disagree

*35. Planning--both short-term and long-term--is a great way of reducing stress.
Agree             Disagree

*36. I frequently try to picture a bright future for myself.
Agree             Disagree

*37. I look for humor in even the toughest situations.
Agree             Disagree

*38. I have adequate shelf, file, and drawer space to serve my needs.
Agree             Disagree

*39. I do aerobic exercise several times a week.
Agree             Disagree

*40. Sometimes a small change in the environment can boost motivation.
Agree             Disagree