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"I started as an assistant on Dr. Epstein's radio
show and ended up helping him prepare book
manuscripts. Eventually, we became co-authors!
The internship was an incredibly positive
experience for me. Thank you, Dr. E!"
Jessica Rogers, co-author of
The Big Book of Motivation Games

Many of Dr. Epstein's projects have been advanced with the help of outstanding young interns from the U.S., Europe, and China, among them students from or recent graduates of UCSD, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Columbia University, Stanford University, Brown University, the University of Chicago, Loyola Marymount University, Wellesley College, and Brandeis University. Interns work directly with Dr. Epstein just north of San Diego, California, on a variety of research, data analysis, writing, media, and nonprofit development projects, which are assigned according to an individual's background and interests. Some interns have co-authored conference presentations or publications with Dr. Epstein. Experience using SPSS, PHP, or R is helpful, and so is experience in mathematical modeling, computational modeling, grant preparation, audio or video editing, or writing and editing in English. An internship may also help you you to learn or improve your skills in such areas. During the school year, interns work a minimum of 10 hours per week and normally must commit to working at least 3 months; more hours are required during the summer. Although not required to do so, many interns have chosen to work with Dr. Epstein for 2 years or more. Internships are unpaid and are available year-round. To apply, send a resume and a brief writing sample to To learn about Dr. Epstein's background, listen to his recent STEM Talk interview (87-min. audio), view his recent Congressional testimony (7-min. video), or read his autobiographical essay in Perspectives on Psychological Science.