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Find out with this quiz designed for both managers and individuals by Dr. Robert Epstein. The quiz is based on Dr. Epstein's competencies approach to stress management and is designed to help you determine what skills you need to fight stress and live a happy, stress-free life!

NOTE: This is a "mini" version of the ESMI-i (Epstein Stress Management Inventory for Individuals). The full test, which yields an overall score plus subscale scores in four specific competency areas, is available here . An abridged, self-scoring version of the ESMI-i is included in two of Dr. Epstein's recent books: The Big Book of Stress Relief Games and Stress Management and Relaxation Activities for Trainers. The ESMI-i focuses on the skills you need to manage stress. Dr. Epstein has also developed a test, the ESMI-m, that measures eight different competencies that managers and teachers need to help others manage stress. Both of the books mentioned above include exercises that help build specific competencies.

Read each of the following statements and click the button next to the answer that best applies to you:

1. I have constructive outlets for my aggression:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

2. I frequently visualize soothing scenes to relax:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

3. I'm aware that some of my beliefs are probably irrational:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

4. I keep an up-to-date list of things I'm supposed to do:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

5. I spend a few moments each morning planning my day:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

6. I keep an up-to-date list of things I love to do:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

7. I try to avoid destructive ways of dealing with stress:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

8. I try to make sure that my meetings end early or on time:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

9. I'm comfortable asking other people for help:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

10. I try to fight stress before it starts:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

11. I try to keep my desk clear of junk:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

12. I frequently use special breathing techniques to help me relax:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

13. I keep my files and documents well organized:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

14. I regularly use massage or self-massage to help me relax:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

15. I often try to use humor to diffuse tension:

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Give yourself 1 point for each Strongly Disagree, 2 points for each Disagree, 3 points for each Neither, 4 points for each Agree and 5 points for each Strongly Agree.

Now total up your score, check the rating scale below to find out how well you are fighting stress.

15-27 Chernobyl
You are about to hit critical meltdown from white-knuckled inner tension. You do a poor job of managing, identifying, and removing stress from your life. This can be detrimental to your motivation, your creativity, and your productivity, as well as your health and your ability to function in all areas of life. There is hope, however. Before you haul off and finally make use of your high-powered rifle and that clock tower that you pass on your way to work everyday, you can work to develop some techniques that can work to reduce stress and stop that big vein from throbbing in your forehead.

28-39 Mount St. Helen's
While you may have the outside appearance of beauty and tranquility, you have the potential to explode and lay burnt-out ashes across the landscape for hundreds of miles in every direction. Your ability to handle stress is lacking in many ways, which can make getting by on a day-to-day basis a difficult and unpleasant prospect. Using a variety of techniques to manage and eliminate stress you can go from being a potential disaster area to being a quiet national park. You no longer have to be Mount St. Helens, you have it in you to be Crater Lake.

40-51 Old Faithful
You have stronger stress management skills than many of your brethren, but you still could do a lot to relieve that inner tension and better control the sources of stress in your life. Stress affects many aspects of our lives, oftentimes in ways we don't even realize. So even though you already have some admirable stress-management skills, you are still lacking in some areas, which could lead you to spontaneously drop-kicking the family cat because she was rubbing up against your leg when you come home from another long day of the rat race. Work on bettering your stress-management capabilities through a variety of techniques, and don't let stress leave you ripping your hair out.

52-63 Partially Clogged Radiator
While you have the potential for a rather expensive explosion, your stress-management skills are such that you also can go about your day working perfectly well. You generally don't let things get to you, but there is still the chance that little problems can become big ones. With a good working knowledge of ways to manage stress, you can learn to play even the toughest hands dealt to you.

64-75 Tranquil Mountain Stream
You have strong stress-management skills. You do well at identifying and eliminating sources of stress in your life. These are good skills to have for surviving the chaos of the workaday world. Still, there are always ways to improve in your ability to handle stress. Learning a few simple techniques can help you to set your life to cruise control and leave you with the ability to focus on things other than those that cost you lots of money to repair or facing a lengthy conference with your child's teacher regarding "an incident involving paste and another child's braids". Stress is still there, but it can be turned into nothing more than a drop in the ocean.




Now taken by more than a million people each year

Developed by Dr. Robert Epstein, one of America's most distinguished research psychologists, the Epstein Competency Inventories are unique, practical tests that measure the basic skills one needs for a fulfilling life: creativity, stress management, resilience, motivation, relationship skills, parenting, and others. Unlike personality or intelligence tests, which measure traits that are presumed to be fixed and unchanging, competency tests measure skills that can easily be improved through education. All of Dr. Epstein's tests have been scientifically validated, meaning they have been shown to be good predictors of things people care about, such as happiness and success.

Dr. Epstein has also developed a quick-screening test for psychological problems, based on the DSM-5 (the diagnostic manual used by therapists).

Some of the tests are available in multiple formats: a full, unabridged version that gives detailed, individualized results, along with recommendations for further learning; an abridged version that can be self-scored; and a mini version that gives people an overall score but no information on separate competencies. Some of the tests are also available in multiple languages.

For guidelines on using any of the tests in university or business research projects, click here.

To learn how to place free icons or links to Dr. Epstein's tests on your website, click here.

Unabridged tests currently available include:

EMI: Epstein Morality Inventory

ETPI: Epstein Teen Parenting Inventory

ERI: Epstein Resilience Inventory

EASI: Epstein Assertiveness Skills Inventory

EHI: Epstein Humanness Inventory

ECI: Epstein Compatibility Inventory

ECCI-i: Epstein Creativity Competencies Inventory for Individuals

ECCI-m: Epstein Creativity Competencies Inventory for Managers

ECCI-i-ar: Epstein Creativity Competencies Inventory for Individuals (Arabic)

ECCI-i-ar: Epstein Creativity Competencies Inventory for Individuals (Thai)

EMCI-i: Epstein Motivation Competencies Inventory for Individuals

EMCI-m: Epstein Motivation Competencies Inventory for Managers

ESMI-i: Epstein Stress Management Inventory for Individuals

ESMI-m: Epstein Stress Management Inventory for Managers

EDTA: Epstein-Dumas Test of Adultness

EMHI-r: Epstein Mental Health Inventory (revised) 

EMHI-ru: Epstein Mental Health Inventory (Russian)

ELCI: Epstein Love Competencies Inventory

EPCI: Epstein Parenting Competencies Inventory

EPCI-cr: Epstein Parenting Competencies Inventory (Croatian)

EPCI-it: Epstein Parenting Competencies Inventory (Italian)

EPCI-po: Epstein Parenting Competencies Inventory (Polish)

EPCI-ro: Epstein Parenting Competencies Inventory (Romanian)

EPCI-sp: Epstein Parenting Competencies Inventory (Spanish)

EPCI-tu: Epstein Parenting Competencies Inventory (Turkish)

ESOI: Epstein Sexual Orientation Inventory

ESOI-ar: Epstein Sexual Orientation Inventory (Arabic)

ESOI-it: Mio Orientamente Sessuale (Italian)

ESOI-ma: Epstein Sexual Orientation Inventory (Malay)

ESOI-ko: Epstein Sexual Orientation Inventory (Korean)

ESOI-ch-s: Epstein Sexual Orientation Inventory (Simplified Chinese)

ESOI-ch-t: Epstein Sexual Orientation Inventory (Traditional Chinese)

ESOI-sp: Epstein Inventario de la Orientación Sexual (Spanish)

ESOI-de: Epsteins Inventar der sexuellen Orientierung (German)

ESOI-fr: Epstein Inventaire d’Orientation Sexuel (French)

ESOI-du: Epsteins Seksuele Oriëntatie Test (Dutch)

ESOI-jp: Epstein Sexual Orientation Inventory (Japanese)

ESOI-hu: Epstein szexuális orientáció leltárja (Hungarian)

ECCI-i-sp: Inventario Epstein de Competencias de Creatividad para individuos

ECCI-m-sp: Inventario Epstein de Competencias de Creatividad para gerentes

EAMS: Epstein Arranged Marriage Survey

EDII: Epstein-Dumas Infantilization Inventory

ECDI: Extended Childhood Disorder Inventory

EMHI-fr: l’Inventaire de santé mentale Epstein

Other tests under development include:

EMI: Epstein Morality Inventory

ESCI: Epstein Self-Change Inventory

EGI: Epstein Gullibility Inventory

ECCI-i-po: Inventário de Competências Criativas de Epstein

Take a Mini Quiz Now!

Can You Fight Stress?

Need a Creativity Boost?

Are You Motivated?




"Epstein is a dynamic and captivating speaker,
and he has that unusual ability to convey
substantive information while keeping
his audience entertained."
Lyle M. Spencer, Jr., Ph.D., President, Spencer Research
and Technology; Author, Reengineering
Human Resources
and Competence at Work

Dr. Epstein is available to give lectures on a number of topics. For his availability and fee schedule, contact OutInFront Publicity. Below are portions of a keynote address he gave in Hannover, Germany, at CeBIT, the world's largest high-tech trade show.

Here are titles of some of his recent talks:

"The Search Engine Is the Most Powerful Mind Control Machine Ever Made"

"Ten Ways Big Tech Companies Can Shift Millions of Votes - Without People Knowing"

"Is Artificial Intelligence Really a Threat to the Survival of Humankind?"

"The Surprising Impact of New Forms ofInfluence on Human Thinking and Behavior"

"The Real Cure for the Failing Economy: A Competencies Approach To Boosting Creativity and Innovation"

"Creativity and Innovation Everywhere: How To Embed Them Throughout Your Organization"

"How Creativity Research Can Revolutionize Business and Industry"

"The Power of Failure: Embrace It, Don't Fear It" 

"The Skills You Need to Fight Stress" 

"Critical Competencies for Today's Leaders: Creativity, Motivation, and Stress Management"

"Tests That People Like: A Competencies Approach to Building Creativity, Coping Skills, and More"

"Creativity in Leaders: How to Measure and Improve It"

"Stress-Relief Games: They're More Than Just Fun"

"A Big Bunch of Creativity Games: Activities To Help You Unleash Great Ideas"

"Motivation Games: If You Can Play, You Can Motivate"

"Adolescence Abolished: A New Approach to Understanding Teens"

"Learning to Love: Taking Control Over Our Romantic Relationships"

"Adultness: What It Is and How To Measure It"


The Chautaqua Institution (audience of 3,000) National Inventors Hall of Fame The Smithsonian Institution Procter & Gamble Bayer Nestlé Dupont Merck Respironics City of Brea (California) Adhesives Manufacturers Association Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association Army Research Institute U. S. Army National Training Center Creative Problem Solving Institute American Association of Plastic Surgeons Tenneco Georgia Power Company Institute for International Research Cambridge Institute for Executive Leadership National Association of Science Writers American Society of Safety Engineers TIME The New York Times Sports Illustrated NPR BBC Psychology Today Parenting Good Housekeeping USA Today Boston Globe New York Post New York Daily News National Enquirer Cosmopolitan Popular Science Wired Advertising Age New York Sun Christian Science Monitor Scientific American Mind CNBC Women's Health Reason CBS Early Show Radio Netherlands Wprost (Poland) Baltimore Sun Verdens Gang (Norway) WHYY (Philadelphia) Die Zeit (Germany) Denver Post Marie Claire WHDH (Boston) Sunday Times (London) London Evening Standard Sunday Post (Scotland) Voice of America National Examiner Fox News Swedish National Radio Cosmogirl 48 Hours (CBS) Soap Talk Observer (London) The Other Half (NBC) Sirius Satellite Radio Elle Sunday Herald Tribune (Australia) WABC (New York) Chicago Sun Times CNN Le Nouvel Observateur (France) Focus (Germany) Der Spiegel (Germany) Diario (Italy) Radio National (Australia) BBC Radio Scotland Los Angeles Times Mail on Sunday (London) The Daily Mail (London) New York Daily News The O'Reilly Factor (Fox) San Diego Union-Tribune WROR (New York) Salon The Mitch Albom Show (ABC) The Guardian (London) Washington Post Canadian Broadcasting Company Washington Times The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet (Fox) TVO Television (Toronto) Orlando Sentinel The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch Globe and Mail (Toronto) BBC World Service BBC Radio Ulster Text zur Kunst (Germany) Smart Marriages Annual Meeting (audience of 2,500) Reader's Digest Southern Growth Policies Board Centre for Confidence and Well-Being (Scotland) University of Strathclyde International Business School (Isle of Man) Keio University (Tokyo) California Western School of Law Yale University University of Kyoto (Japan) Osaka City University (Japan) Rowland Institute for Science Marine World (San Francisco) The Neurosciences Institute Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality The Kinsey Institute American Psychological Association Association for Behavior Analysis Lifetime Television Network CBS Sunday Morning National Geographic l'Actualité (Canada) Smart Money Rady School of Management Max Planck Institute for Human Development iChannel Daily Herald



"His presentation was captivating,
intriguing, and educational...."
Ralph Berkowitz, Ph.D., Managing Director,
Resource Systems Management

Dr. Epstein is available on a limited basis for lectures, seminars, or consultations on internet manipulation, artificial intelligence, creativity, stress management, motivation, love, adolescence, and other psychology-related topics. Contact OutInFront Publicity by email or by calling 1-206-339-8311.

"I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Epstein
for four years while serving as CEO of,
and I always found his input worthwhile. He is one
of a kind: a distinguished research psychologist who
effortly bridges the gap between the laboratory
and the real world."
Suneet Wadhwa, founder of
and co-founder of


The Chautaqua Institution (audience of 3,000) National Inventors Hall of Fame The Smithsonian Institution Procter & Gamble Bayer Nestlé Dupont Merck Respironics City of Brea (California) Adhesives Manufacturers Association Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association Army Research Institute U. S. Army National Training Center Creative Problem Solving Institute American Association of Plastic Surgeons Tenneco Georgia Power Company Institute for International Research Cambridge Institute for Executive Leadership National Association of Science Writers American Society of Safety Engineers TIME The New York Times Sports Illustrated NPR BBC Psychology Today Parenting Good Housekeeping USA Today Boston Globe New York Post New York Daily News National Enquirer Cosmopolitan Popular Science Wired Advertising Age New York Sun Christian Science Monitor Scientific American Mind CNBC Women's Health Reason CBS Early Show Radio Netherlands Wprost (Poland) Baltimore Sun Verdens Gang (Norway) WHYY (Philadelphia) Die Zeit (Germany) Denver Post Marie Claire WHDH (Boston) Sunday Times (London) London Evening Standard Sunday Post (Scotland) Voice of America National Examiner Fox News Swedish National Radio Cosmogirl 48 Hours (CBS) Soap Talk Observer (London) The Other Half (NBC) Sirius Satellite Radio Elle Sunday Herald Tribune (Australia) WABC (New York) Chicago Sun Times CNN Le Nouvel Observateur (France) Focus (Germany) Der Spiegel (Germany) Diario (Italy) Radio National (Australia) BBC Radio Scotland Los Angeles Times Mail on Sunday (London) The Daily Mail (London) New York Daily News The O'Reilly Factor (Fox) San Diego Union-Tribune WROR (New York) Salon The Mitch Albom Show (ABC) The Guardian (London) Washington Post Canadian Broadcasting Company Washington Times The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet (Fox) TVO Television (Toronto) Orlando Sentinel The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch Globe and Mail (Toronto) BBC World Service BBC Radio Ulster Text zur Kunst (Germany) Smart Marriages Annual Meeting (audience of 2,500) Reader's Digest Southern Growth Policies Board Centre for Confidence and Well-Being (Scotland) University of Strathclyde International Business School (Isle of Man) Keio University (Tokyo) California Western School of Law Yale University University of Kyoto (Japan) Osaka City University (Japan) Rowland Institute for Science Marine World (San Francisco) The Neurosciences Institute Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality The Kinsey Institute American Psychological Association Association for Behavior Analysis Lifetime Television Network CBS Sunday Morning National Geographic l'Actualité (Canada) Smart Money Rady School of Management Max Planck Institute for Human Development iChannel Daily Herald